
Hey, it's Rohan & Royal 👋

We've failed more than failure, never gave up, and now we're scaling like crazy 🏎️

In the last 3 years, we've built 4 startups and finally Spur was the one which finally made money.

Spur launched on Sep 22 with the aim of making ecommerce communication magical. In 1.2 years we scaled it to 400+ brands with a total of $50 million in revenue generated for them. Our strategy? Ship like crazy, in 1.5 years we shipped 100+ features and 1000+ bug fixes.

Our secret sauce to this speed was our boilerplate which we developed & constantly iterated for the last 3 years. It's slightly unconventional with Svelte instead of React (much lesser learning curve if you're new to frontend) for frontend, and a dedicated backend instead of using SvelteKit itself as the backend. (There are many advantages of a dedicated backend)

You can follow mine and Royal's journey on X.